Wednesday, August 5, 2009

At Least He Told The Truth

I read a report online at about a meeting at a church in Madison, TN last week. The report (entitled Alter Call Confronts Worries of Christian Conservatives) described the meeting as an "old-fashioned God and country revival". The report goes on to note that there was an alter call at this meeting. "But", the article says, "the 600 or so Christian conservatives gathered for "A Call to Arms," organized by talk show host Ralph Bristol, weren't asked to give their heart to Jesus. Instead, they were asked to sign up for conservative causes like the Tea Party Nation and the Eagle Forum, and to donate to charities like the Nashville Rescue Mission. The report quote's one attendee as saying, ""Tonight we are doing a different kind of altar call," he said. "Tonight's altar call is not for God. It's for country."

Now, before we begin to wag our heads and recall the words of the old school hip-hop song, "things that make you say hmmm", I would like to recognize that at least this man told the truth. For once someone from the fear mongering, exclusionary, radically reactionary, anti-Christ, right wing told the truth. It is not about God, it's about country. The agenda of the organizers of this meeting where not at all concerned with the principles of justice, equality, and true peace. Their interests are in maintaining the status quo, and in today's political climate that means continuing the regression toward a society as divided as it was before the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Nashville sit-ins, and the march on Washington. Their agenda was not for the dismantling of unjust laws and sentencing guidelines that inequitably target poor and minority populations. No, that would be God saying, "Make sure that the poor receive equal justice in court" (Ex. 23:6, CEV). Their agenda is one of fear and antagonism towards non-citizens of this country using half truths and innuendo. God's agenda on the other hand is, "Do not mistreat or abuse foreigners who live among you. Remember, you were foreigners . . .." (Ex. 22:21, CEV). So when this person said it's, "not for God. It's for country." If nothing else, the first part was true.

Unfortunately in all too many pulpits in the Bible Belt including here in Nashville not enough is being said to combat this erroneous teaching. Too many Christians are being fooled into believing that because someone throws out a word about "family values", or ties someone or group with another religion that that person is on the side of right and righteousness. Just as "freedom is not free", so too truly serving Jesus, and being yoked up with him is not simple. It is a challenge. If we are to be truly on the side of right and righteousness, then we cannot simply turn our backs on individuals or groups. Jesus challenges us to be proactive, "Treat others as you want them to treat you." (Mt. 7:12, CEV) This present tense proactive, this is not a statement of reaction, but of action! The challenge for those who would be on the side of right and righteousness is to apply this 'Golden Rule' as it was given; without qualification.

The command to "treat others the way you want them to treat you" is not limited. It is not limited to just the people you like, or just the people who like you. It is not limited to the people who go to your church, or those in your denomination. Notice that Jesus just left it open like that. He gave us this very simple rule to live by yet we find it so hard to do. Before we throw our energy into any "cause", or support any political position, maybe we should take a moment to hold it up to that measure, 'does this reflect treating others the way I want to be treated?'

Honest answers to this question will enable us to move in a more Christ-centered direction and

Make A Difference . . . . . . . For Life

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