Tuesday, June 23, 2009

May I Suggest A Different Jesus?

So I read in the news the other day that the Southern Baptist Convention is "refocusing". The article (Southern Baptists Refocusing Membership) points to a decline in the membership numbers as the primary reason for the "refocusing". The article says that one of the things currently being considered is the conventions vocal stance on what it calls divisive political issues. The suggestion seems to be that the convention not be quite so vocal. I would like to suggest a different approach to the issue. I would like to suggest to the convention, not that it be any less vocal, but that it would just as vocally promote a different Jesus.

Whereas the Jesus of the convention has traditionally been exclusionary, condemnatory, and complicit with the culture of domination, oppression, and injustice; I suggest the Jesus of the Gospels. I suggest the Jesus who Himself says, "God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn its people. He sent him to save them!" (John 3:16-17, CEV) I suggest a Jesus who is just that inclusive! EVERYONE inclusive! I suggest a Jesus whose very purpose is salvation and NOT condemnation.

I would suggest a Jesus that is vocal and involved in affirming the full humanity of all persons. A Jesus that would not have anyone's rights denied, or abridged regardless of their race, social standing, national origin, economic status, or even whom they choose to be their mate. I would suggest a Jesus who is not only welcoming, but who is comfortable with those who have long been considered unworthy, and "other", just as they are. I suggest a Jesus that is not afraid to break with tradition when is comes to traditional roles of women in society (including the church).

This Jesus, this inclusive, life affirming, and vocal Jesus, is the Jesus of the Gospels. This is the Jesus of John 3:16-17, and of the Great Commission. This is the Jesus that challenges us to take His yoke and,

Make A Difference . . . . For Life!!

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