Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What God Is He Talkin' 'bout?

I was checking my email the other day and I noticed an email in my inbox with the subject "DON'T BUY PEPSI IN THE NEW CAN!!" I was immediately concerned as I have noticed the new styling of the Pepsi logo and personally I think the change is refreshing. While I don't drink Pepsi often, I must confess that every now and then I do partake. That being the case, being one of the 46 million or so people in this country without any health insurance at all, I was naturally concerned that there was some new health scare surrounding the 'new can'.

Imagine my shock (and relief) to learn that the reason for the urgent alert not buy Pepsi in the new can was because the producers of Pepsi, to quote the email, "has a new 'patriotic' can coming out with pictures of the Empire State Building , and the Pledge of Allegiance on them. However, Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge, 'Under God.' Pepsi said they didn't want to offend anyone. " The email goes on to say, "So if we don't buy any Pepsi products, they will not be offended when they don't receive our money that has the words 'In God We Trust' on it." It is amazing to me how righteously indignant "patriotic" people become over words on a can, or printed on a piece of paper.

The question comes to mind, "What God?" What God is this person espousing who is more concerned with what is written on a piece of paper, or stamped(or not) on a metal can, than what is actually happening in the lives of people. Certainly not the God of the Bible. Not the God who judges the rich and powerful even of the very nation He called peculiarly His own. Hear the words of the prophet Micah. "Doomed! You're doomed! At night you lie in bed, making evil plans. And when morning comes, you do what you've planned because you have the power. You grab any field or house that you want; you cheat families out of homes and land. (Micah 2:1-2, CEV) " This is the response of the God of the biblical tradition. The God and father of the Christ we profess is not at all concerned with words on a can. Rather He is intimately concerned, and involved in how we live out His principles in our everyday lives.

The God of the Biblical tradition would have us not buy products of any business that pays it's CEO millions of dollars every year, yet lobby's against a living wage for the workers who actually produce the goods and provide the services. Don't buy? Not because the words "under God" are missing. Don't buy because the glass ceiling still exists for women and minorities. Don't buy because working conditions in third world sweatshops are not addressed and improved. Don't buy because prices are unnecessarily inflated producing record profits in a time of global economic crisis.

The question for those of us who profess to love the Lord is, "What God are we serving?" Are we serving a God who is simply content with lip service, words on a can, or printed on paper? Or are we serving a God who will stand against injustice, abuse of power, unethical business practices, and corporate immorality?

Take counsel, consider, and . . .

Make A Difference . . . For Life!!!

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